Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Spiritual Growth: Training vs Trying (Core Values)

(Exerpts from Willow Creek Resources Bible Study: Growth - training vs trying by John Ortberg, Laurie Pederson, Judson Poling)

10 Core Values of Spiritual Transformation...

1 - Essential, not optional, for Christ Followers

2 - Process, not an event

3 - God's work, but requires my participation

4 - Involves those practices, experiences, and relationships that help me live intimately with Christ and walk as if he were in my place

5 - Not a compartmentalized pursuit. God is not interested in my spiritual life; he's interested in my life - all of it

6 - Can happen in every moment. It is not restricted to certain times or practices

7 - Not indiidualistic, but takes place in community and finds expression in serving others

8 - Not impeded by a person's background, temperament, life situation, or seaon of life. It is available right now to all who desire it

9 - The means of pursuing it, will vary from one individual to another. Fully devoted followers are handcrafted, not mass-produced

10 - Ultimately gauged by an increased capacity to love God and people. Superficial or external checklists cannot measure it

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