Thursday, July 28, 2005

Upcoming Events

Lots of fun events are coming up... If you're interested in participating or helping with any of them, just respond to this post by commenting or email

Fantasy Football: Sign up now for Fantasy Football. We are looking for at least 20 guys to be able to fill out the league and maximize the fun.

9/10/2005: 4 Person Golf Scramble - Fundraiser for Prison Lighthouse Fellowship and Outreach Event. Ed Hearn will be the speaker (

Men's Group: We will have a Men's group associated with Sports Central that will be meeting every Friday at noon. We will be studying various books/Bible Studies/books of the Bible throughout the year. It is a great way to get to know some guys that enjoy sports and are looking for ways to grow in their faith. If this time doesn't work for you, contact us anyway. If we get enough interest, we can have another group!

9/20/2005: Start of the 1st Annual Youth Basketball Camp. This will run for 6 weeks and cover ages 6 to 16. We will focus on having fun and incorporate Biblical principals as we teach basketball fundamentals.

Other activities in addition to those include: Coed Volleyball, Men's Basketball League, and Men's Pickup Basketball.

Blessings and enjoy the rest of your summer!


Welcome to the Sports Central Blog. Sports Central is a sports ministry of Central Baptist Church in Sioux Falls, SD. I will be posting various items on this blog as they are related to Sports Central to chronical things as they happen. This could include things such as upcoming events, devotions, or prayer requests.

Thanks for stopping by! Hope you will return and add your comments.